80/800 lower door seal

*NEW* Super soft, and self-adhesive!

Weatherstrip adhesive sucks.  If you've ever used it, you know.  Fed up with the stringy mess, and the fact that it only really works about half the time anyway, Scoutco set out to find a better way.  This is the result of our frustration with "the old way"! 
Brand new, same dimensions as the New Old Stock seal we pulled from the IH box...only this new stuff is super soft and squishy to conform to the curves and variations in the doors on these farm tractors, and best of all it has 3M double sided foam tape attached for NO MESS when you put it on.  Even better, you can stick it and go...no need to wait on the glue to set up.  And if you are familiar with 3M tape...the stuff ain't coming off!
Do yourself AND your 80/800 a favor, and use this!

We include enough for 2 doors in this order, but remember this is only the LOWER seal.  The upper seal is available separately as well.

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